Original Xbox Hard Drive Upgrade Buying Guide | Tinker Mods
With this buying guide you can find a hard drive that is compatible with the original Xbox console for upgrading. Every HDD listed here is lockable and I have worked with and tested personally to confirm its locking ability and the ability to work on the original Xbox.
This is not a definitive list of hard drives! If you all ready have an HDD and want to see if it will work or not I recommend using the Xbox Hard Drive Compatibility Chart here That chart has been around for decades now but has a lot of flaws. Along with being dated there are duplicate entries with conflicting info. There is a lot of info on that chart you just don't need anymore. This is also user submitted content that has some errors in the info. There are a lot of drives on the compatibility chart that you just can't find anymore or are so rare that any you find are extremely expensive. There are also lots of drives that are not compatible which can also be confusing.
The goal of this buying guide for an original Xbox hard drive upgrade is that all of the drives in this list DO work with the console. They are typically drives that were produced in larger quantities, or in some cases are still manufactured today. This means all the drives on this buying guide are hard drives you should be able to find easily on eBay, etc. Some of the 1 and 2 TB hard drives are even still available directly from the manufacturer today. This also means these drives should be examples of easily available models that you can find decent prices on in the modern age (2025+)
Info on Pricing
Though most of these hard drives are ones I look for myself this doesn't always mean they will be cheaper when you start looking for them. Some of the smaller 80GB and 120GB HDDs are getting more expensive because they are also popular with vintage PC building and just fewer and fewer of them exist now. There are a few more points on price I will go into individually in the lists below.
Now, Select an HDD size below for hard drive info you can use to start looking for an upgrade!