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What are the best mods for Original Xbox?

So much to do, so what to do?

I've seen this question in my inbox quite a few times. The problem is that there is no RIGHT way to answer it. Everyone has different interests and expectations, so my best mods may not be someone else's. So don't think of this list as JUST being about "THE BEST" But also about original Xbox mods I think you shouldn't go without. Additionally, I think some of the best mods are mods everyone knows about, so I will be skipping talk about soft modding and hard modding as most modding can't be done without doing one of those, so keep that in mind. If you're new to original Xbox modding then check out This complete beginners guide to original Xbox modding first.

XBMC Dashboard

I think the custom dashboard you use is often overlooked. It may not be the first thing someone talks about but using the best dash can change everything. XBMC (Xbox Media Center) is by far the best. The difference between XBMC and unleashX,avalaunch,evoX and many others is night and day. XBMC to this day has media functionality like no other. You can rip or transfer movies and TV shows to the hard drive. If connected to the internet, XBMC then automatically downloads show info, episode info, cast info, box art, cast photos, and much more. It makes the Xbox just as interactive as something like Netflix. Addionally the skins for XBMC are absolutely amazing. Check out This one that can make your original Xbox look exactly like an Xbox One dashboard. There are many other great ones, some of my favorites are Containment, MC360, and MARK-III. A few more I should mention, XBMC has in dash controls for X3 LCD screens, the stats such as HDD space, memory used, and internal temps are much more accurate than other dashboards.

The HDD upgrade

An HDD upgrade is mandatory. Soft and hard modding is nearly wasted if you do not upgrade the HDD. You can add a 2TB HDD and unleash the real power of the original Xbox. Technically, you can add a 3TB HDD as well but the console won't recognize any more than 2.25 TB. Having an upgraded HDD means you can install all your games directly to the hard drive. This is great because it lowers the ware on your disc drive and can drastically improve loading times. You can do the same with your DVDs and CDs as well as upload your entire music and movie collection directly from your computer using FTP. Upgrading the HDD means having a total one stop shop for emulation, gaming, movies, music, tv shows, and even pictures. Upgrading the hard drive is definetely one of the best mods for the original Xbox. The only problem is some people don't know where to start or how to do it. You can always find a console that has an upgraded drive like this modded original Xbox console here.

Internal WiFi

I think this is one of the best mods for the original Xbox console. Not many people do it but having WiFi that works on modern networks can make a huge difference in your ability to use online features and even game online too! (Yes you can still play original Xbox games online, check out Xlink Kai) In addition, adding internal wifi is not as hard as you think it is. All you need is a good tutorial like This one on how to install internal wifi in an original Xbox

Custom LCD screens

This is one of the more interesting topics out there and is certainly one of the best mods for original Xbox. Many people have seen them but most people have no idea how they work or where they come from. The first custom screen was actually an add on that went along with the Xecuter3 mod chip. This was part of a custom replacement faceplate that had special mod chip controls as well as the custom LCD screen that had many different functions. While this was one of the best mods for the console, it is no longer made and becoming more and more rare. That also means very expensive. There's also a more modern LCD screen you can use to mod your original xbox. This is not as functional as the original X3 faceplate and screen but does look awesome and serves a good purpose. You can find one of those LCD screens here

Honorable mentions

I think the BEST and coolest mods are listed above but I want to mention a few more and why they aren't the best.

A TSOP flash is a great mod and really opens the console up for easier modding and some advanced features. However, the TSOP is by no means noob friendly. It takes a fair amount of work to get it going. Someone inexperienced can also ruin their original Xbox console if done incorrectly. That's why the TSOP is an amazing mod, but not the best.

128MB RAM upgrade would absolutely be the best mod for an original Xbox console. You double the on board ram giving nearly 100% compatiblity with ALL ps1 games, 720p video playback support, and just all around faster and more reliable functionality. So why is it still not the best? Because it isn't practical. You have to scalp and sacrafice the ram chips from another original Xbox console (Which ruins it), then solder them onto your console ever-so-carefully. with dozens of tiny solder connections this is a very tedious project. In addition to that, the console has to be TSOP flashed to a compatible BIOS. Otherwise, the console won't even use the extra memory. This is certainly the most functional and the most beneficial mod for an original Xbox, but actually getting it and using it is a whole different matter.

Original Xbox case mods like the ones found here are amazing mods for an original xbox console. There is nothing worse (in my opinion) than a heavily modded original Xbox with 2TB HDDs and thousands of games that looks no different than a stock one. However, I don't consider this one of the best mods because case modding requires good soldering skills and several power tools that get a little pricey. Especially for just one case mod project. Even though I sell custom original Xbox case modding kits like this one which can be much cheaper and much easier than doing it yourself. And even though it would do me all the good in the world to tell you they are one of the best mods for the original Xbox, I still don't think it should be called one of the best. Considering the amount of skill and cost it can take to case mod a console from scratch without kits, i just can't add it to "The Best" list.

It doesn't stop though

And that is the truth, the original Xbox is a hard console to make a best mods list for because there are just so many different things you can do. To this day people continue working on new and interesting mods for the original Xbox and it's amazing this console came out in 2001 and still has so much support.

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