1000 Xbox 360 secondary error code | Three red rings guide

Let's talk about what's going on

The 1000 secondary error code deals with the disc drive inside your Xbox 360 console. To be specific, communication with the drive times out and is unresponsive. 9 times out of 10 your issue is caused by human error and might be due to a failed mod attempt. Let's dig into what you can do to fix the problem.

Try the Sata cable

Personally, I would start with the sata cable that connects your DVD disc drive to the motherboard. If a wire is shorting out or damaged you will get the 1000 secondary error code every single time. If replacing the cable clears the error, you don't have to worry about the rest of this article, your're done!

The rest is tricky

Have you recently tried to modify your Xbox 360 console? Have you tried flashing the disc drive? If you did work on your console and got the 1000 secondary error code afterwards, you more than likely made a mistake during the process. You would need to rebuild the disc drive kernel to clear the error. Additionally a software update that wasn't completed successfully may have also caused your issue. Downgrading and starting over would be your only real option.

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It is also possible the disc drive PCB has been corrupted or stopped working. Replacing this could fix your issue. Just keep in mind this is not a plug and play fix. The drive PCB is married to the motherboard and would need to be reprogrammed before it will work again. Lastly, the southbridge communicates information from your disc drive to the motherboard for processes. If the southbridge is bad or has cold solder joints underneath the chip you could also get the 1000 secondary error code from that. These would be very rare, but still possible. If you tried everything else these last two issues could be throwing that secondary error code. Most of the time these would also be repairs that aren't accessible to the common individual. You may want to consider replacing your motherboard at this stage.

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