0110 Xbox 360 secondary error code | Three red rings guide

A memory problem

The 0110 secondary error code is caused by an issue with the RAM chips on your Xbox 360 console. The technical read out is a failed address on the memory. For a lot of people your best bet is replacing the motherboard with a working one. You can find yourself an Xbox 360 motherboard by going here. However, I will go into greater detail on what can be done to fix the issue.

The typical RROD issue

The 0110 is an error that typically won't happen on it's own. This is almost always a problem with your GPU having cold solder joints underneath. Attempting to reflow the GPU is a great place to start if you have the capabilities. Additionally, a reball or replacement would serve the same purpose. Your Xbox 360 console could also have an issue with the memory (RAM) chips themselves.

Move to the memory itself

The memory itself will also be a possibility for causing the 0110 secondary error code on an Xbox 360 console. More than likely you would be looking at a replacement of those chips for this one instead of a reflow or reball. If the GPU wasn't to blame and the RAM was, then it's more than likely gone bad.

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