0030 Xbox 360 secondary error code | Three red rings guide
A temperature situation
This problem is a bit strange, as the 0030 secondary error code on the Xbox 360 console means the temperature readings are off. But not because the console is overheating, in fact, you have the opposite issue. The console thinks everything is 0 degrees. Let's dig right into this one.
Faulty or missing components
More often than not this 0030 secondary error code is being caused by resistors that aren't regulating properly. You would need to check all resistors around the ANA/HANA for a lack of signal. Additionally this could be the ANA/HANA chip itself. If this is the case you would likely need to replace them. Due to this being a bit advanced, I would suggest the average person look into replacing their motherboard with a working one! You could get yourself an Xbox 360 motherboard here if you like!