0023 Xbox 360 secondary error code | Three red rings guide
An issue with the clock
The 0023 secondary error code for the Xbox 360 console typically deals with the clock chip not responding. This issue is a very uncommon one and would require the average user to replace the motherboard with a working one. Additionally, this is one of the few errors that differ between the Xbox 360 phat console and slim version. This error on an Xbox 360 S would require you to replace the power supply or check components on the eDRAM for damage or missing parts. However, I will dig deeper on this one for the more advanced users below.
For the PHAT 360
The Xbox 360 phat is usually a clock issue. The first version of the motherboard (Xenon) has a single component that would need extra checking. This is essentially the ANA back up components. Otherwise this would focus around the ANA/HANA chips themselves. Due to most communication passing from the ANA/HANA to the southbridge, the southbridge could also be at fault. A reflow of the southbridge could fix your problem. Otherwise the 0023 secondary error code would be a death sentence for the normal person. If you are unfamiliar with the reflow process, you should consider finding a replacement motherboard to solve your problem. You can find Xbox 360 motherboards here to replace the one you have.
For the SLIM 360
As a rarity, the slim Xbox 360 deals with a different problem when you have the RROD with a secondary error code of 0023. Sometimes this could be a bad power supply/brick. Try replacing that first to eliminate it as your issue. You could have components of the eDRAM damaged or missing as well. This would require a diagram or picture of a matching motherboard to compare to your own. If any components are missing you can replace them based on the other console you are referencing. If all else fails you can, of course, replace your Xbox 360 motherboard with one of these!