0013 Xbox 360 secondary error code | Three red rings guide

Let's discuss what's going on

If your Xbox 360 console gets the 0013 secondary error code and the three rings of death, it means you have a heat problem. Specifically, the 0013 error code is the eDRAM on your GPU chip throwing the error code. The eDRAM shares the die with your GPU chip under the GPU heatsink. So how do you fix it? Keep reading to find out!

Let's address the heat itself

Please make sure you keep reading after this paragraph. There could be more advanced issues causing the 0013 secondary error code on your Xbox 360. If the eDRAM is genuinely overheating, then replacing the thermal compound and even the heatsink on the GPU is where you should start. Damage to the heatsink can cause bad airflow or a bad connection with the GPU and cause it to overheat. Replacing the heatsink compound can also clear the 0013 code as Microsoft used extremely low quality compound in the factory. I'll post a video tutorial below this paragraph to show you how that process is completed! If these tricks don't work, it's time to move on to the more complicated problems.

The sensor, the traces, and the caps.

The sensor itself could be the culprit. If the sensor and diode are bad, the console will automatically think the eDRAM and GPU are overheating and thus the 0013 secondary error code will show. Unfortunately, these components are part of the HANA/ANA chip and the information is communicated through the southbridge. This means technically those chips could be the problem as well. However, this would be EXTREMELY rare. With all this in mind, the components that manage the thermal sensor/diode could also be to blame. Check for missing or blown capacitors in the areas. You should also check for trace damage. Damaged traces have the exact same effect as a bad sensor and will throw the 0013 secondary code on your Xbox 360 console every single time.

The above issues and fixes are all advanced and difficult. Replacing the motherboard itself can also fix your issue without needing much technical knowledge. If you can turn a screwdriver and do a bit of soldering, you can fix your 0013 secondary code with a fresh motherboard! Get yourself an Xbox 360 motherboard here.

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