PS2 DVD drive

- Easy Install
- Limited versions
- Plug and Play
- No Soldering
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Product Description
This page contains the last PS2 DVD drive used in the system. This was used solely in 50001 models. PLEASE NOTE: PS2 DVD drives did not have model numbers. You need to verify that this is the drive you need by comparing the pictures below to what you have! This versions big difference is that the exterior reset/eject buttons are mounted on the disc drive. All other versions mounted these buttons on the inside of the outer console shell. If your PS2 DVD drive has those reset/open buttons attached to it, then this is the correct drive for you!
Additional info on this original DVD drive
This part is completely authentic and is not a cheap clone part. Many of these have had their entire eject system rebuilt by hand to improve the longevity of the drive. This was tested extensively with all disc types and will work with them all correctly!
Secure Payments
I Only accept PayPal for orders! PayPal locks all of your personal information on their servers securely. I'll never see any info on your payment other than where to send your order! PayPal also offers customer guarantees and tools that help you dispute issues you have with orders!
Warranty Info
I spend a lot of time cleaning and rebuilding these DVD drives to their former glory and because of that I offer a full 30 day warranty! If you have anything go wrong you can simply contact me here to get the issue resolved! The only exception to the warranty is that this does not cover you if you order the incorrect PS2 DVD Drive. Please see above and see all the pictures to be sure you know what you need before making a purchase!