Xbox 360 FAQ

Which red ring of death does my Xbox 360 have?

This is a great starting place if your Xbox 360 console has the dreaded red ring of death, or RROD as it is also known. But before you can even break down the issue, how do you know which RROD you have? It's all about the front of your Xbox 360 console.

1 ring, 2 ring, 3 ring, four?

The front of your Xbox 360 console has a power button and green led lights. These four lights circle around the outside of the power button. Typically these lights are used as controller indicators. One light equals player 1, 2 for 2 players, and so on. However, these lights also have another purpose. When your Xbox 360 has a major hardware failure the lights change red. So let's break it down for each one.

1 red LED blinking

If you have 1 red light blinking on the front of your Xbox 360 console, this is a major hardware failure. Typically, the console can still function enough to display a detailed error code on your TV. These are called "E-codes" because they display the code on screen with additional information. An example would be, E-74, or E-68. Those E-codes are the codes you need to diagnose the issue and find out what's wrong. If you have a single blinking red light and have your E-code, you can head to This Xbox 360 red ring of death guide to further learn about your issue.

2 red blinking LEDs

Having two red lights blinking is a far simpler RROD than the others. When two red lights appear on the front, it means the temperature of your GPU or CPU chip got too high. When this happens the console automatically shuts itself off before permanent damage is inflicted on the console. If this has only happened once, maybe twice, you might have just pushed the console too long. You might also have the console in a position where it doesn't have good ventilation. Make sure every side and rear of the console have 6-12 inches of open space around them. If this happens regularly, you have a bigger problem, and you need to head over to This Xbox 360 red ring of death guide to see how the issue can be resolved.

3 blinking red lights

This is the true RROD, or red ring of death. This is very similar to one red light blinking. However, The hardware failure was extreme enough that no E-code can be displayed on your TV. This means the screen will be blank and you'll only have the three red lights blinking. In this case you'll need to learn how to manually get the secondary error codes and diagnose the issue from there. You can head over to This Xbox 360 red ring of death guide to start learning how that works and what you need to do. I will warn you though, if you have this red ring of death, you've got a lot of work on your hands to fix it.

4 blinking red lights

When trying to figure out which red ring of death you have, 4 red lights can be one of the easiest ones to fix, as this is usually a simple problem. 4 red lights means there is no proper A/V (Audio/Visual) connection with a TV. This can be caused by several things. If this is what you have, head over to the Xbox 360 red ring of death guide and choose the 4 red lights option to learn more.

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