Xbox 360 FAQ

How to get Xbox 360 secondary error codes

I'm asked how to get the secondary error code for an Xbox 360 with RROD on a regular basis. This quick guide will show you how to do exactly that. Additionally, you can find a video tutorial that shows you how to do this at the end of this page! So, let's try it out!

Getting the code

An Xbox 360 with the 3 ring RROD will not display an error code on your screen. For this reason you have to learn how to get the code, as well as how to translate it. To start, you will need your console plugged in and turned on. Once the 3 red rings appear you can get the secondary error code. To do so, Hold down the sync button on the front of your console. You will then push the eject button one time. This will cause the ring of light to flash a combination of red lights. Each light combination has a number associated with it. That number is part of the secondary error code. The number of lights lit up equal a certain number, which are;

Once you get your first number, you will need to do this three more times. (For a total of four) You will then have a full secondary error code for your Xbox 360 console. Here is a quick example to make sure you understand.

In the above example your secondary error code would be "0102" This is where your research begins. Now that you know how to get your secondary error code on your Xbox 360 console, what do you do with it? You can learn what is causing the error by checking out this three red rings error code guide. There you will find Each secondary code broken down so you can try and fix it! If you still aren't sure how to get your secondary error code, check out the video tutorial below!

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