Original Xbox FAQ

How much is a modded original Xbox worth?

I see this question a bunch but the answers are all over the place. Some people have different opinions, some people value certain mods and features higher than others. So what is it ACTUALLY worth?

Well... It depends

An original Xbox console with a soft mod would be more valuable to someone new to original Xbox modding than someone that has one all ready or has experience with them from the past. So the numbers can vary based on who sees something for sale. In the end, the big numbers really come with the rare features and there are a ton of different rarities out there.


Obviously a console that comes with massive libraries of games increases the value a lot. A soft modded console with no games could get you 70-90 dollars where that same console stuffed to the brim with emulators and full libraries can get the price to jump 50 to 100 dollars. Especially if the hard drive is upgraded to massive sizes such as 2TB. A 2TB console with full or complete libraries could easily go for 200-300 dollars.

Mod chips and add-ons

This is just another matter of opinion, but many people believe Mod chips are better than soft mods. In some cases that is very true. The X3 mod chip is very rare now and also adds the ability for several also rare features such as the highly sought after X3 faceplate with LCD screen. Consoles with the X3 chip and faceplate easily go for 400 - 500 dollars.

Case mods

A modded original Xbox console with case mods is also worth a lot more. This is a little more obvious because case mods give a big WOW factor to the look of the console. However you do not see case mods as much. They take a lot more work. But you can get an orignal Xbox case modding kit and install one yourself, which would increase the value of your modded original Xbox console by quite a bit. There are also other "Hard" mods which can increase the value of your console. An original Xbox LCD screen kit can add a good amount of value as well. These not only look cool, they are a great alterantive to the rare and expensive X3 faceplate like the one mentioned above. It also adds a lot of value as it helps the owner of the modded original Xbox console prolong the lifespan by monitoring the internal temps and not running the console too hard. Another cool feature to have that would help increase how much a modded original Xbox console is worth would be an Internal WiFi set up. Installing this can take a bit of work but in some cases you can find something like this original Xbox internal wifi kit that makes the process much easier. The original Xbox is a highly moddable console and is still one of the best out there, but no WiFi certainly effects it's usability in the modern age of gaming. So, an internal wifi set up makes a modded original Xbox console worth a lot more as it makes it much more appealing to buyers.

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